Spring 1997

Created by samantha 7 years ago
In spring 1997 I was living in Calgary, Canada. My friend had invited me over to her house to see our mutual friends brother, and new girlfriend, they had moved from Dubai to Calgary the day before. I met Linda for the first time that evening, and we instantly established that we were Yorkshire lasses. Of course we started to drink - heavily ;) and stood on the table and sang, 'Remember you're a Womble.'

It was one of those magical life moments, where you knew you had just met your best friend/sister/and lifelong friend. We have laughed until our knees went weak and collapsed in a heap on the floor, in tears of laughter. The kind of laughter that made Linda snort, which always made me laugh even more. We have cried, oh how we've cried over the years. But most of all, we have supported, helped, guided, made fun, soothed, held each others hand when it all just felt a wee bit too much, we loved one another.

She was an amazing feisty, can do kinda woman, and would roar if she felt like it. She would fight in your corner, listen to your heartache or happiness. She was helpful, kind, gobby, athletic, so incredibly smart, funny, funny, funny, sarcastic, and an amazing Mother. She was friends, good friends with so many people, from all around the world, people were drawn to her light. She was special, she would have a joke about what I've written here, that's for sure ;) So many amazing stories to tell, so many memories to keep, why not share yours too.

Love you Legs or Slapper #1 Will see you again when it's time xxx
